Workplace Wellness
Educational Sessions
Kinex offers educational sessions on a variety of topics including office ergonomics, musculoskeletal injury prevention, safe material handling, and safe patient transfers, among others.
The office ergonomics presentation is the most popular and teaches the basics of ergonomics to a group of workers to give them the knowledge to develop and implement their own workplace changes. Individual followup assessments are available to ensure knowledge translation and application of ergonomic concepts is adopted in individual workstations. This approach is reported to have a range of benefits in addition to reduction in musculoskeletal injury risks, such as improved flow of useful information within an organization, an improvement in the meaningfulness of work, more rapid technological and organizational change, and enhanced performance
Ergonomic Assessment
An ergonomic assessment examines elements of the person, environment, and occupation to identify workplace risk factors. Following the assessment, recommendations are provided to improve the workstation and reduce risk of injury or improve symptoms. Benefits of an ergonomic assessment may include musculoskeletal injury prevention, reduced time loss, increased employee satisfaction, and enhanced productivity.
What are musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) or musculoskeletal injuries (MSI)?
A MSD/MSI is a disorder or injury that can affect the muscles, nerves, ligaments, or tendons; such examples include carpal tunnel syndrome, tendinitis, muscle strain, and/or chronic low back pain. There are several workplace risk factors that expose an employee to the development of MSD/MSI including working in awkward body postures, performing the same or similar tasks repetitively throughout the workday or unsuitable equipment set-up including inappropriate monitor height, positively tilted keyboards, keyboards placed on desktops, or poorly designed or configured office chairs. MSD/MSIs are among the leading causes of time loss injuries; however, they are preventable through education and/or ergonomic assessments.
What is the purpose of an office ergonomic assessment?
The purpose of an office ergonomic assessment is to minimize the risk of MSD/MSI development by providing strategies and equipment recommendations based on the employee’s needs. The office ergonomic assessment considers various factors that may impact the development of pain or injury including, office equipment set-up, body position, and healthy work habits. Ensuring proper ergonomic set up of a computer workstation is imperative to reducing the risk of pain or injury associated with repetitive work and preventing development of new areas of injury. Office ergonomic assessments can improve compliance with safe work procedures by providing in-office feedback on safe work habits and techniques.
What is involved in an office ergonomic assessment?
A highly qualified therapist with extensive knowledge of the intricacies of biomechanical function and office workplace arrangements will come to the employee’s office to assess the individual and their workstation.
An initial interview is completed to gather an in-depth understanding of the individual’s workplace and job responsibilities followed by a short observation of the employee completing their job tasks. Detailed biometric measurements are collected in relation to the workstation as well as before and after photos are taken for the report. Individual adjustments are made on-site to the current office equipment to determine if an optimal workstation set-up can be arranged to mitigate the need to purchase new equipment. Specific information including but not limited to monitor height, keyboard distance, seat-pan depth, movement breaks, positional changes and optimal body positions is provided.
Following the assessment, a comprehensive report is generated with all documented changes that occurred during the assessment. Each documented change will outline the rational as to why it is important for MSD/MSI reduction. Highlighted, at the end of the report, is a summary of specific equipment recommended during the on-site assessment.
What is the length of an ergonomic assessment?
A typical ergonomic assessment is approximately one hour. For less specific concerns, an ergonomic presentation (for groups of up to 10) is an option. This educational session is approximately 1.5 hours, during which time employees are encouraged to raise specific questions or concerns regarding their office set-up.
Who would benefit from an office ergonomic assessment?
Everyone can benefit from an office ergonomic assessment. Employees spend up to two thirds of their workday at their desk. If the desk is not optimally arranged to promote healthy postures, there is a significant risk of pain or injury. Office ergonomic assessments help with employee responsibility and behaviour change by reinforcing proper positioning, equipment, and techniques. Additionally, by minimizing or reducing pain, workplace productivity can increase. A healthy, comfortable employee is happier, more engaged and more productive than someone who is distracted by a poorly designed workstation or plagued by chronic pain.
Fit for Duty Assessment
Musculoskeletal injuries are the leading cause of lost time injuries and workplace compensation claims in Canada. These injuries can be reduced by ensuring employees are fit for duty and physically able to complete the demands of a job.
Physical Demands Analysis & Job Demands Analysis
A physical demands analysis or Job Demands Analysis (JDA) is an assessment used to provide a detailed breakdown of the physical, cognitive, psychosocial, and environmental demands of a job. Information is gathered using questionnaires, interviews, observations, and formal assessments. A JDA may be used in conjunction with a Functional Abilities Evaluation to determine if the client is able to safely complete the demands associated with their work following injury or illness.
What is a Physical Demands Analysis (PDA)?
A Physical Demands Analysis (PDA) or Job Demands Analysis (JDA) is an assessment that outlines the specific physical, psychosocial, and environmental requirements of a job. It is intended to quantify the job and not the individual’s capabilities through describing the demands of the job. The PDA clarifies and documents the functions associated with a given role, evaluating and quantifying a job’s physical and environmental demands. The on-site information is then analyzed, compared, and combined with national occupational data.
What is involved in a PDA?
Through direct observation of the job and in collaboration with the incumbent employees and supervisors, the therapist will collect specific information regarding the physical, cognitive, and environmental demands of the specified job to analyze and develop a comprehensive report.
What is the purpose of a PDA?
A PDA can help ensure that an individual’s physical capabilities are in-line with what is required to perform the work safely and without risks and can provide a realistic match of job demands with an individual’s ability. Specifically, a PDA can be used to guide development of a return to work plan, help employers make decisions about returning employees to the same job or different jobs, find new job placements for individuals re-entering the workforce, or help medical professionals set goals relating to the workplace.
What information will be provided from the PDA report?
The PDA will provide an overall description of the job position, a breakdown of each physical job task, any information about equipment or tools, the frequency and duration of each specific task, objective measurements of weights, distances, heights, and forces associated with specific activities, and a description of environmental conditions and personal protective equipment.
Who completes the PDA?
PDAs and evaluation protocols are completed by professionally regulated clinicians skilled in injury prevention, job analysis, and return-to-work planning in combination with both employees and supervisors.
Vocational Evaluation (VE)
A Vocational Evaluation or Vocational Assessment is a series of valid, reliable assessments completed with an individual to gather information to help identify potentially suitable employability, transferable skills, vocational interests, work aptitudes and abilities, and academic abilities and potential.
What is the purpose of Vocational Evaluations?
A Vocational Evaluation (VE) is used to assess an individual’s strengths, interests, and personality, current and future employability, wage earning capacity, and transferable work skills. The VE can include the presentation of a vocational plan outlining specific details as to how the person will return to the job market (e.g. training time, cost, appropriate programs, entry/ceiling earnings upon plan completion, and job availability).
What is involved?
The VE is a comprehensive assessment that typically begins with a diagnostic interview to gather pertinent information affecting employability (e.g. work/life experiences, length of absence from the work force, educational background, and vocational/career goals). Following the interview, vocational testing instruments are administered to develop a work training profile including areas of ability/aptitudes, interest/personality, work values and skills assessment. Following these testing instruments, the assessor will complete labour market research to produce information regarding market outlook, and qualifications/training requirements for specific job titles. A report is then generated to integrate all information gleaned from research and assessment to provide recommendations based on both immediate and long-term career goals.
What is Vocational Rehabilitation (VR)?
Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) (also known as vocational counselling) is a set of services designed to develop the skills and abilities of an individual to obtain gainful and meaningful employment. VR is frequently implemented following an accident or development of a disability in order to assist the individual with returning back into a previous job or transitioning into a new area of employment. Vocational rehabilitation services outline a suitable career path, education, or training options or provide job skill development including resume writing and interview techniques.